Sunday, January 25, 2009

This is the end of this sequence, and I'd like to thank the following list of artists all over again for letting me steal their art to make Rease's room. This won't be the last time her room is seen, of course. This is just it for this series of pages. Not the end of this scene, but the end of this... oh, I'll shut up, you'll see on Tuesday.Emily Brady of Footloose.
ElectricPanda (does not have a comic) ElectricPanda's DeviantArt page.
Purenightshade of Children of the Tiger.
Nightlyre of NightLyre's website gallery
Becky of Nossus.
NAAN of GM Marchen
Moss of Cat Legend.
Witchy of Life's a Witch.
Al-X of Nahast
KEZ of War of Winds
JGray of 2nd Shift and Mysteries of the Arcana (Mysteries of the Arcana poster by Keith W.)
Kallisti of Apple of Discord
Amanda of Salt the Holly.
BlkKnight of Crossing Death.
Anyway, there you go. Buncha people. Read their comics and admire their art. I'll try get the SpiderForest page up Sunday too. Yeep, I've been delaying on that page! It's not even a HARD page, I've just been working. Working is hard, you know. Real work, that is. The stuff that involves running around all day. Yes, I'm totally whining. Hush. I'm allowed to. Anyway, I have to work on Monday (on my own! GAH!) so Tuesday's page has a VERY HIGH CHANCE of being in the afternoon rather than sometime before the afternoon. I might not have to work for the rest of the week, though. If so, I'm going to try work ahead on the redux pages for chapter two. The sooner I get stuff up on SpiderForest, the sooner I can put up ads--I MEAN!!!
Oh, oo, look, the title of the comic shows up in the comic itself! Ooooo. Okay, going to bed now. G'night. Banner Exchange