Thursday, January 22, 2009

Woo, cheap update. Look, I'm dead tired, I wanted to be in bed two hours ago... I have to work at six in the morning again and I'm still adapting. I'm not apologizing for cheap updates. Be glad I'm not haitusing while I adapt to my new schedule. x_x I mean, I haven't been able to get that next redux page done. I want to, I really do, but I haven't had the time yet. I rushed this page so I could get to bed and get a reasonable amount of sleep. It's fairly obvious so I'll probably fix up the shading a bit later. Anyway, that redux page WILL get done on the weekend. Because I'm pretty sure it's all clear of stuff to do. Whew.Incidentially. Housekeeping for the hospital is not an easy job. At all. Fast, lots to remember and continually in motion. Meep. My back hurts. So do my feet. I'm totally whining, because I'd rather spend time doing my updates. XD Banner Exchange