Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yeah, so this is a bit later in the day than I wanted to post this, sorry! I stayed up all night to get it done, though. There was an update yesterday on the SpiderForest site. =)Many artists shared art to make this setting. Here is the credits and whose art is where.
Emily Brady of Footloose. (above Rease's head, panel three. On the floor, panel three.)
ElectricPanda (does not have a comic) ElectricPanda's DeviantArt page. (Wall, panel three, floor of panel three)
Purenightshade of Children of the Tiger. (wall, panel one.)
Nightlyre of NightLyre's website gallery (wall, panel three, board in panel two)
Becky of Nossus. (wall, panel three, board in panel two)
NAAN of GM Marchen
Moss of Cat Legend. (corkboard, panel one.)
Witchy of Life's a Witch. (on the back of the bed, panels "two" and three.)
Al-X of Nahast (back of the headboard, panels "two" and three. Panel one, on the board)
KEZ of War of Winds (wall, panel two)
JGray of 2nd Shift and Mysteries of the Arcana (Mysteries of the Arcana poster by Keith W.) (Arcana poster on corkboard, can be seen in panel four)
Kallisti of Apple of Discord Amanda of Salt the Holly. (floor, panel three. Board, panel one.)
BlkKnight of Crossing Death. (board, panel two)
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