Thursday, October 30, 2008

Let's play a game, boys and girls! Let's play GUESS WHICH PANEL TI FOUND A PHOTO REFERENCE FOR AND GUESS WHICH ONE SHE DIDN'T!. Youuuu're right! It's the one with the anatomically correct character who ISN'T deathly pale! Dangit, finding photo references is hard, and I was lucky to hit on this one. I usually spend no more than five minutes googling for an expression and I got one for it right off the bat. I'm not saying it's perfect or photoreal because I don't exaaactly have time to make a perfect character, but it's definately a little better than what you see from me, usually...You guys will never know how danged hard that floor was and just how many layers it has. x_o You will also never know just how insanely much detail is in the far away characters, but it's a lot more than there should be. Anywho, this is the (eep) last page of October. I won't guarentee three a week updates through November. I promise there will be an update, though, every time I'm suppose to, and if I miss pages I will backtrack and make sure there's 13 pages for November. If filler becomes necessary, I will be posting chunks of my NaNoWriMo novel, as it does connect to BP--it's character history. Or should be. Unless I suddenly end up writing about faeries. Banner Exchange