Thursday, September 11, 2008

This page is the result of reader influence. I was sulking. "I drew a dragon and I don't even know what I'm DOING". That's right, I don't, I hadn't scripted this scene when I started it. (It is now, mind you) I was told "make it turn into a little girl with a lollipop!". I made it turn into a little girl, because that fits the plot, the lollipop doesn't. Sorry, Unspecial. I did work your cute blond girl into the plot, though. ^_^ Wish him luck, he's going for a belt today!Whee, I changed my vote incentive. It's a page step by step. I might post it bigger eventually, though, on here. It's pretty tiny there.
Scheiße. Blame Jandalf. I just can't believe my font had the right symbol. For those of my reader who do NOT know German, it's a little bit of German swearing. I grew up using this word to curse, as did, I believe, a few of my readers. Not that I'm German, I just have some German friends. Banner Exchange