Sunday, May 17, 2009

This is, without question, one of my favorite pages done so far... so much detail is lost in the resizing. I spent wayyy more time than I should've texturing the sky and wall. =( I'm pretty happy with it, though. I know, I know, it should've been up on Thursday. I think once I've finished moving over to SpiderForest, I'm going to change my update schedule to 'three pages a week'. That said, the SpiderForest update's going to come a bit later, because I still want it to be two pages but I want to tweak them a bit too... there's a few things that bug me about them. x_oDid I mention I changed the vote incentive? I'm not sure I did. It's a speedpaint of Adhavon, the forest Shay mentioned in the original beginning narration... you know... the one that I cut on the 'real' archive. XD (That doesn't mean she, and the forest, aren't appearing! >.>) Banner Exchange