Sunday, March 15, 2009

This was a very, very hard page for me to do. Which is yes, why it's 11:45 PM BUT STILL SUNDAY and I'm going to be dead for work, but... page is done! This page was hard. Not just because I had to repencil and retext the entire thing because I hated my original draft, but also because it was... you know, I knew the entire point of the scene was this ending. This has been part of the story for a very long time. This SCENE has existed since longer than Between Places. And I think that's also why it's hard. It's the climax and resolution of a scene that's been in my head for more than a year. Tuesday's update has a huge chance of being in the evening. I haven't even done the pencils for it yet. Eep. But I have to sleep now because I have to work in the morning. x_o I'll be back on Tuesday to ramble more! Banner Exchange