Sunday, March 8, 2009

OMG. It's up on time. (dies) But the SpiderForest one won't be. I need sleeeeep. Erm. So yeah. This is Hellion Arjun. You saw him earlier, mostly being unconscious and all like BLARGH. Now HE has the sword. Too bad that he's all lawful good pacifist. If he wasn't, he probably wouldn't be my torture muffin quite so often...Was the spell Saerin cast useless? Well, she hasn't passed out and died horribly from being shot YET, so... well... TUNE IN AGAIN ON TUESDAY AND FIND OUT! (flails)
And, uh... dang. I'm too tired. I keep thinking I'm missing something. Oh well! The SpiderForest mirror update will go up sometime Sunday evening, it will be all new material and currently it's about a quarter of the way done. >< Banner Exchange