Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Woo, cheap, textless update! Falahil transforms back into a person from her summon and crashes onto the ice. I felt text would spoil it.In other news, yesterday it was declared that there would be changes! Shay is going to bite the dust and stop existing, blah blah blah. If chapter one's changes aren't done before this chapter is done, I may take a brief hiatus to finish it off so that updates can come more frequently over the reduxed pages. We'll see. If you have any thoughts on BP, the art and the writing, now is definately the time to start giving them.
Also, oo, I am now a Choice Reviewer on ChoiceComics.net. I review things! Yay! So I had to make an ad thingy for that site too. I finalized my logo during that period. I do believe this will now be the logo. What do you think?

GenreBanners.com Banner Exchange