Sunday, November 30, 2008

This page isn't very good. I'll be the first to admit that. I've done it in a rush on an all nighter, my hands are almost shaking too much to use the tablet, and dangit, I am not fixing it now. Kthx. But, in the spirit of Nanowrimo, enjoy your wonderfully on time (early, even!) update! In the spirit of fixing things, I'll probably come back and fix this later, though. Especially Gabriel. But hey. I'm going to be dead tommorow so laa, it's on time.She pressed the painting into Elion’s arms. “This is it. You can destroy it, if you’d like.”
“Why wasn’t it destroyed in the fire?” he mumbled.
Saerin laughed at him. “You honestly think mortal means would destroy something like this?”
“Well, then what am I supposed to do?”
“You’re not mortal, are you?”
“That’s not… that doesn’t make sense!”
Wordcount: 104,109 Banner Exchange