Thursday, September 4, 2008

Every once in a while, I find myself grateful for Photoshop. In this case, it was for TEXT + BRUSH. And scatter. Scatter was one thing I never thought I'd use. I was wrong. All that WONDERFUL fog? All that WONDERFUL SNOW? Yeah. And those bricks? Thank God for Comparing this page to the first one, and even some of the semi recent ones, I just kind of go... o.oI did a tiny bit of web design fixing, the most notable would be the now page centered date instead of centered over the comic date. Which removed the bonus useless space. Also, added a couple characters to the cast list and redid the About page, or some of it, anyway, and added a crapload of links. By crapload I mean a list of awesome comics you should check out once you're done reading mine, of course. Banner Exchange