Thursday, July 10, 2008

1) A narrator can narrate from offscreen.2) ELF = "extrodinary life form", NOT pointy-eared-freak. Frequently pointy eared, since that's a way of indicating 'magical creature' easily with visuals, especially when they're NOT doing flashy visual effects, but this page is a reminder that not every E.L.F. looks like an elf. Frequently, yes, as it's a good way for me to make it obvious to you that they're not human, but they can appear in other non-human ways. Every character on this page is part of the same faction. TECHNICALLY the narrator is too... but it's easier to think of Shay as an anti-hero.
3) The narration is a good, strong indication of how elves think. Actually, Shay in general is just a slightly-less evil example of how almost every ELF thinks.
4) The blue haired NPC was way too fun fun to draw. I'll have to bring him back. Banner Exchange