Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Ekaeli, incidentially, was "banish" encased in dream runes, as Saerin is a dream magic user. Which means that yes, most of what she does is an illusion. Almarien was correct on that. Not only can she create illusions, she can access dreamworlds, or place people into them. The dream rune looks kind of like an eyeball. Althea's tattoo is a complex varient of the chaos rune.Some spells can be cast without an elemental affiliation, simply because the caster learned to do it that way or because it's not that difficult. Such as "open" "close"/varients used for moving about within a dream. Magic is by will more than by word. However, that spell is based on either space/mind or dream. Saerin's a bit less modernized in her spellcasting than say, Gabriel is. He casts in English and without runes. /random pointless info dump.
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