Thursday, February 12, 2009

Soooooyeah, this update is a bit later than I wanted it to be. I apparently passed out when I went to bed and slept for some fourteen hours... uh... apparently this is a result of me drinking energy drink. So I held myself hostage for a few hours until I finally finished this. For me it's still Thursday, and therefore it is NOT LATE. But it's close enough to late. You may notice that Saerin doesn't cast spells in English. She's not a native English speaker unlike many of the others and she learned to cast in Ekaeli. Complex spells require more than just a thought, hence the bubble.I hated to have to paint over all the background details to get the lighting going on... anyway, this scene (which may end up as a few scenes) contains a few cameo fighters. I figure it's about time I clear up who's who.
From Sex Percussions we have Donal and Tate. Tate's trying to get people out of his way to shoot Saerin. I feel this is in characterish. "Asks questions while shooting." XD Donal is the redhead who dove out of the way with Kalin in the last page, so they're both safe from any magic shots right NOW... seeing as they're both in the back now. The comic is not as NSFW as the name would imply, it's more like PG-13. So don't be afraid to give it some love.
From Cetyia we have Daven, who happens to be from a black and white comic, so I just gave him a red shirt. Unfortunately this makes him look very much like one of the other cameos. He's on the far right, kind of blurred out. Apparently he likes porn and he's a techie. The manga itself is a cyberpunk manga thing and I <3 it very much.
He happens to look rather like the cameo from Sunset Grill, who's right behind Marien with a knife. Not to stab her, of course. Yep. Sunset Grill happens to be the best 3D comic I've ever read. Yes, I think it's better than Dreamland Chronicles. (ducks and runs)
And, of course, I've got a soldier from Epic Fail, his name's Martin and he's currently protecting Larali. He's apparently a nice guy so this is in character. It's a fairly new comic so I'm not going to say anything about it until it's demonstrated itself for better or worse--six pages isn't enough for me to say anything about it! Feel free to check it out, there's not a huge archive to read through yet, unlike Sunset Grill!
I feel this is a good time, for those still reading, to indicate that Rubifruit is back up. Clicking their banners gives me exposure through the exchange. That is a good thing.
STILL reading? Well, I'd like to thank Jandalf and Emy of Trying Human for trying to explain vector lines to me. Now swords are way easier! YAY! Read her comic.
What? Are you STILL reading this? Tune in Sunday! ...Which will be on time. -_- Banner Exchange