Tuesday, February 3, 2009

(flail) There is ten people! I just didn't give faces to all of them, some of them are just kind of incoherent shadowy blobs! Ahem. Of the ones I did detail, though, they all have names or are cameos. Sex Percussions really needed a cameo (because they're having a cameo contest) so Tate and Donal are now apparently NPCs in a fight scene. So, y'know, they'll actually get to do things. Unlike usual. Oh, yeah, there's, like, four incoherent blobby NPCs if anyone else wants to contribute a character for me to throw their characterization out of the window and use in a fight scene. I'll even retain their weapons of choice. Just... not necessarily characterization. Ahem. But yes, there's two Sex Percussions cameos thrown into the background, if you look, and the rest are my own. Woot.GenreBanners.com Banner Exchange