Sunday, December 14, 2008

(sighs) Alas. I wanted to make this a two page update, because this is a cheap update--and the next one is half done. If I didn't have to be up in the morning and busy all day, I would've, too. I could have the next page done in a few hoursChanged up one vote incentive, though, with... uh... kind of original art... on Top Webcomics. Yeah, I know, the one incentive ran for like, a weekend, but it was just a closeup of a panel with details. So this is... slightly... more... original... ish. Um. Yes. So, sorry for the brief update, I really tried to get two pages but I've got to get sleep and I'm busy tommorow. Silly holiday rush. But I'm also working on the chapter one retcon with a few new pages at the same time! You guys will get some WIPs soon. XD Banner Exchange